Why is Admissions Training Important?

Do you know most advisors see training as a punishment? 🫨 Not anymore, we're actually partners.

Remember, admissions is not a one and done. Repeat training is needed to ensure your advisors are digesting the material necessary for them to thrive. 

Less Stress for Leaders!

When your advisors understand how to manage their own expectations, it also makes your job easier, freeing up time for you to catch up on your work.

Boosts Student Enrollment

Admissions training equips advisors with the skills to communicate effectively, connect with potential students, and guide them confidently through the enrollment process, ultimately increasing conversion rates.

Enhances Confidence and Retention

Training builds advisor confidence, helping them manage their workload more efficiently and stay motivated, which reduces turnover and improves team stability.

Let's get your teams some training and support.

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Check Out What Other Leaders Had To Say...

I Couldn't Have Asked For Better.

Nicole Laborde - Founder & CEO - Ideal School of Allied Healthcare

My first encounter with Kathy was over the phone. Immediately, I felt her positive energy, her passion for what she does and her enthusiasm. I surreptitiously wished that she could be the Director of my campus. I often called on her whenever I needed advice about enrollment tactics or training for my new enrollment advisors. She is courteous, knowledgeable and very innovative. I recommend any campus directors or owners to use her services.

She's the Best in the Market

Dr. Bindu Pillai - MD, MBBS, RMA(AMT), Healthcare Management Program Director at CUNY

I've known Kathy for a long time. I met her when she was an advisor. Later, she took over that campus as the director. Her passion was invigorating. She and I had a very close bond from the beginning and that's when saw who she really was. She was a natural leader in Admissions. Students and staff naturally gravitated to her pleasant but firm nature. She had a way with people that was indescribable. Students felt at ease when they spoke to her. They spoke about school and personal issues that hindered them in their educational life. I admired her experiences and skills with students and fellow colleagues. Her inspirational messages are truly a gift to everyone. She will take you the next level.

What An Experience

Iasia Gregory - Director of Admissions at American Institute

My experience working with Kathy as a Regional Admissions Management Trainer was dynamic. Not only did she bring morale and excitement to my team and I, but her teaching style was very engaging, inspiring and direct. Her passion for what she did was nothing I have seen before. Kathy cares about your success, which makes her creative approach to delivering information everlasting. I always say that there's something different about a trainer or teacher that is passionate about their craft. She made a huge difference in our performance, as well as outcomes. She's the real deal

Next Level Management & Personality

Anita Luckett - MBA, Borough Director of Queens Transition and College Access Center, Department of Education

Kathy is exceptionally talented! I had the pleasure of working directly with her on multiple training and development projects for staff. She was direct, honest and able to connect with all levels of staff. I highly recommend Kathy if you are looking for a dynamic leader who can take you and your team to the next level.

She Made a Real Difference!

Elvin Freytes - Co-Founder The EdUp Experience

Kathy was responsible for all of the Admissions Advisor and Management training at a multi campus college, where I was the Director of Admissions. Her passion for sharing her knowledge was refreshing, and her style of training was exciting, clear, and concise. She leads by example and is amazing at inspiring those around her to win.

Ready to Level Up Your Admissions Team?

Let’s Turn Potential Into Performance